If a hurricane has damaged your home or property, and your insurance company is disputing your claim or paying you less than you need, a hurricane property claim lawyer in Hialeah can help you get the full payout you deserve. Although homeowners may think they are fully covered by their homeowner’s insurance, they often do not understand exactly what it does or does not cover until a hurricane actually hits and damage occurs.
The Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine can help. Even before there are storms on the horizon, we can review your policy in detail and offer advice on the coverage you need.
Call us for a free case evaluation from the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine. Our Hialeah personal injury lawyers can help you solve disagreements with your insurance company, dispute a claim denial, and work on your behalf to maximize the compensation you receive for repairs, replacement, or rebuilding.
Anticipating the Hurricane Claims Process
When a hurricane damages your home or property, probably the last thing on your mind is reading the fine print on your insurance policy. Naturally, your priority is getting your life back in order, and getting money quickly to pay for temporary housing or basic needs such as food and water — let alone the cost of rebuilding your home.
The reality is, the claims process can take weeks or months, particularly if the insurance company is inundated with other claims after a catastrophic storm. Some homeowners find their insurance policy does not cover all the types of damage caused by a hurricane.
Sadly, some insurance companies will attempt to deny your claim, undervalue your claim or find some other reason not to pay you at all. But you should not have to settle for “whatever you can get.”
While you may be eligible for government assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in general, FEMA will only offer assistance in the event of presidentially-declared disasters such as Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Michael. Contact the FEMA office that covers Florida to learn more about the benefits that may be available.
Evidence You Will Need to Support Your Claim
Whether or not your insurance company will make it difficult for you to collect reimbursement, all insurance companies will require you to carefully document your losses and out-of-pocket costs.
If a storm has destroyed your home or property, it may be difficult to prove your losses resulting from the storm. There are certain pieces of evidence that could help your case:
- Any photographs or videos you might have of your property before or after the storm.
- A copy of your homeowner’s, flood or windstorm insurance policies.
- A complete list of all damaged or missing items.
- Receipts for temporary repairs or protection you had to purchase such as plywood to cover broken windows or tarps to cover a damaged roof.
- Receipts for the purchase of household and personal items you needed to replace after the storm, such as clothing, food, or bedding.
- Receipts for temporary lodging such as hotel rooms.
- Any written estimates you have received for property repair or replacement.
What a Property Damage Claim May Cover
If you have all your evidence together, and can fully document your losses as a result of a hurricane, you may be able to recover the costs of:
Repair: Any structural damage to your home or property including detached sunrooms, patio screens, decks, pools, tool sheds, or fences.
Replacement: The contents of your home and property including clothing, household items, appliances, electronic equipment, towels and bedding, window coverings, rugs, carpets, and flooring.
Removal: Clearing of debris including downed trees and other vegetation, along with debris caused by floodwaters or wind damage.
Relocation: Temporary lodging if your home becomes uninhabitable after the storm, until repair or rebuilding is complete, including hotel rooms, meals, or gasoline.
When to Call a Hurricane Property Claim Lawyer
If you believe your insurance company is “slow-walking” the processing of your reimbursement claim for damages caused by a hurricane, you may benefit from hiring a hurricane property claim lawyer in Hialeah.
Having legal counsel can immediately help reduce your stress in the aftermath of a storm. You do not need to go it alone. We will fight on your behalf and may be able to appeal the denial of benefits, negotiate for a more comprehensive settlement, or if necessary, file a bad faith lawsuit against the insurance company.
In addition, a property claim lawyer can lighten your burden by helping you collect evidence to support your claim and speaking to your insurance company directly.
A Hurricane Property Claim Lawyer in Hialeah is Standing by to Help You
Once a storm has passed, and the full impact of the hurricane has been evaluated, you will want to get moving on rebuilding your home and your life as soon as possible. The last thing you need is your insurance company putting up obstacles to your forward process.
The Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine wants to help you.
We will start with a complimentary case evaluation, during which we learn about your specific case, the efforts you have already made with your insurance company, and provide guidance for your next steps and legal options.
Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to file an appeal with your insurance company or directly negotiate a larger settlement than your insurance company initially offered.
If necessary, we have the resources to represent you through litigation, if there is no other option than filing a lawsuit.
If you are looking for help with a hurricane property damage claim, call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today. Starting with a free case evaluation, we will help you understand your legal rights and the true extent of your expenses and losses as a result of a hurricane. We will work on your behalf to make this process easier, and aggressively fight to get you full compensation.