Texting while driving has become a growing risk on Florida’s roads. In fact, the increase in texting while driving accidents had led to Florida banning texting and driving entirely.
Texting while operating a vehicle splits the drivers’ attention between too many tasks, often resulting in a severe car accident. Drivers who make this mistake can face serious consequences. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a distracted driving accident, it is important you have a knowledgeable texting while driving lawyer in Florida on your side. Call us today at the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine at 1-800-747-3733.
Florida’s Ban on Texting While Driving
Florida’s ban on texting while driving prohibits drivers from texting while operating a vehicle. This ban is a secondary offense, meaning an officer will not pull you over for texting while driving, but this charge can accompany another offense.
Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to enforce the texting while driving ban. While texting and driving can certainly affect drivers’ ability to exercise their legal duty of care to other drivers on the road, it can be difficult to prove this was the cause of the accident.
If texting and driving was the cause of your accident, we will fight hard to uncover the details and place the blame where it belongs.
Recovering Damages in A Texting and Driving Case
Auto accidents often result in expensive damages. Whether you have ongoing medical costs or extensive property damage, it is only right that the responsible party covers these costs. We will work to recover the following damages in your texting and driving accident case.
- Current and anticipated future medical costs
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning capacity
- Property damage
- Temporary transportation
- Pain and suffering
- Household costs
It is important we demonstrate the significant effect of the accident on your life. Collecting compensation may not eliminate these struggles from your life, but it can make it easier to adjust.
Let Our Texting While Driving Lawyers in Florida Assist with Your Case
Accidents are just that, an accident. They are usually the result of a careless, yet non-intentional action. This mistake, however, can significantly change the lives of those involved. Most drivers simply do not believe anything bad will happen until it does. The personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine are here to help you get past this disastrous mistake.
No-Obligation Consultation
It is important we understand the details of your case as well as the effects the accident has had on your life. We never collect any payment from you unless we also collect compensation on your behalf.
Communicate with Insurance Companies
Your car insurance provider may cover your damages from the accident under a no-fault policy. Each insurance company usually has their own filing requirements and it is important to follow these regulations.
Communication with the insurance companies is not always simple. They may require you to seek medical care from approved physicians or file paperwork within a specified time limit. Managing this task can be overwhelming while already handling the other consequences of the car accident.
Investigate Your Case
Determining fault may or may not be necessary in your texting while driving case. Your insurance policy may cover the majority of the damages. However, if the accident was severe, it is possible these costs exceed the maximum coverage available. In this case, we work to determine fault with the following documents.
- Medical records
- Police report
- Witness statements
- Image or video evidence from the scene of the accident
- Phone records
It is possible more than one party is to blame for the accident. For example, one driver could have been speeding while another was texting while driving. However, Florida’s pure comparative negligence doctrine allows us to still collect compensation as long as another party holds the majority of the liability.
Manage the Legal Process
Each case is different. This means the legal route we take depends on the details of your case. This can change day to day, depending on current evidence and existing damages. Florida also has strict time limits in which you are eligible to file a case. The state requires that we file all auto accident cases within four years from the date of the accident.
You should not have to deal with paperwork, insurance communications, or keeping track of court dates while you recover. Leave the legal work to us while you focus on what is most important—your health.
Discuss Your Case with A Texting While Driving Lawyer Today
You never expect to be a part of a texting while driving accident. You hear about the dangers daily on the news but never expect it to happen to you. Yet, one minute you are driving down the Florida expressway and the next, a driver carelessly slams into your rear end. The other driver was texting while driving and did not see you stop.
His actions may have been a mistake, but they left you with expensive medical bills and the inability to work. Your insurance company may only cover some of the damages you face—it is only right that someone covers the additional costs, and that person should be the responsible party. Filing a case can get you the compensation you deserve while also teaching the at-fault driver a valuable lesson.
Our texting while driving lawyers in Florida are ready to assist you with your case. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today at 1-800-747-3733.