Pipe bursts can result in devastating amounts of damage to your home and cost thousands to repair. After all the maintenance and other expenses, you may be facing tens of thousands of dollars in bills. Your insurance company may not cover damages and dispute the amount of money owed to you, creating a very frustrating situation with insurance claims.
If your insurance company is refusing to cover your damage or is trying to give you less than you deserve, you should speak with a pipe burst claim lawyer in Florida. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today for a free consultation: 1-800-747-3733.
It Can Take Weeks for Your Insurance Company to Make a Decision on Your Claim
Insurers are required to investigate and make a decision within a reasonable amount of time, but it can still take weeks or even longer. In some cases, insurance companies purposefully take too long to make a decision. This is known as acting in “bad faith.”
If your insurance company is acting in bad faith, we will speak with it and prompt it to act more quickly. If it refuses, we can take it to court and get you the settlement offer you deserve. Call 1-800-747-3733 for help from a property claim lawyer.
What to Do If Your Insurance Refuses to Cover the Damage
Contact a pipe burst claim lawyer in Florida as soon as possible at 1-800-747-3733; we will help you dispute the claim denial and advocate for the money you deserve on your behalf.
We will inspect the damage site and personal property and document everything for reference. Then we will review the insurance settlement and compare it to our own documents to see if it’s fair and determine the best course of action.
They may try to hold you liable for the burst pipe and damage resulting from it. We will advocate on your behalf to defend you against allegations.
Reasons Why Your Insurance Might Refuse to Cover Your Damage
Pipe bursts can be tricky with the insurance company as it often encompasses different types of insurance. Some costs may be covered under flood insurance and may not include the cost of repairing the plumbing.
Insurance may also claim that the pipe burst due to negligence on your part and not cover the full cost of damages.
Our Florida pipe burst claim lawyers will document their responses and work to provide evidence that supports your claim. Call us today to get started: 1-800-747-3733.
Your Options if the Settlement Offer Is Not Fair
If we find that the settlement is inconsistent with what is owed, we may recommend hiring an independent appraiser to get a second option on the value of the damages. This may help leverage an insurance company to increase the settlement for your claim.
Contact the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today at 1-800-747-3733. We will represent you in filing your claim.
How You Can Help Make Your Case Stronger
We will handle all aspects of your case, but there are a few things you can do to make your insurance claim stronger. We recommend you:
Document Everything
Building a case revolves around evidence and good documentation. This is why it is vital that you act quickly when disputing a claim.
Take as many photos as you can to support your claim. You might also want to take videos of the damage. If you speak to the insurance company, we recommend you write down all communication you have, including emails, dates of documents sent, phone logs, and letters. Make sure you note what you discussed and with whom you discussed it.
If your insurance company took a long time to investigate your claim and provide an answer to your claim, our Florida pipe burst claim lawyers may argue that their delay resulted in further expense and negotiate for higher compensation.
Watch Who You Speak To
If you can, avoid speaking to your insurance company without us there. It is very easy to say something that can jeopardize your right to recover the compensation you need for your pipe burst damage.
Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine Today: 1-800-747-3733
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine have extensive experience handling Florida pipe burst claims and are well-equipped to do the investigation necessary to bring an effective legal claim.
We will use all of our knowledge and experience to fight for your best interests as a homeowner and represent you in any disputes with insurance providers.
If you require legal assistance with an insurance claim due to a burst pipe, call 1-800-747-3733.
You have dealt with the hassle of repairs and insurance forms. Let us handle it from here. The consultation is free, and we recover nothing unless you win the insurance settlement you need.