While buses are generally considered a safe mode of travel, accidents can and do happen, sometimes with tragic consequences. According to figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 1,200 people died in bus accidents between 2007 and 2016. Fatalities included passenger vehicle occupants as well as pedestrians.
Getting into an accident with a bus in Clearwater can be a traumatic experience and cause material damage as well as devastating injuries. If your accident happened through no fault of your own, however, you could have legal recourse and receive compensation for your financial losses as well as your injuries.
A Clearwater bus accident lawyer can assess your case and advise you on any legal action that you could take to fight for compensation and justice. If someone else’s negligence or carelessness caused your injuries and expenses, they should pay for your damages and not you. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today and take advantage of a free consultation to determine whether you have a claim: 1-800-747-3733.
Bus Accident Injuries
Injuries from bus accidents can vary immensely. Some accident victims may suffer only minor injuries such as sprains, bruises, or mild whiplash. Others, however, may be permanently affected and end up disabled, with their entire life turned upside down. Serious injuries in bus accidents can include:
Spinal Cord Injuries
Any car or bus accident has the potential to cause injuries to the spinal cord. Sometimes these injuries can heal, while at other times the damage may be irreversible. Spinal cord damage can cause loss of muscle control, permanent paralysis, nerve injuries, and many other debilitating problems.
Head and Brain Injuries
Head injuries are among the more serious injuries suffered in bus accidents. Vehicle-related impacts are a common cause for traumatic brain injuries, according to the Mayo Clinic. A severe concussion such as a TBI can have long-term debilitating effects on an individual, including cognitive problems, mental health problems, and seizures, to name just a few.
Lost Limbs
Severed limbs can occur in bus accidents. In some cases, an injury to a limb may be so severe that it needs amputating in a hospital due to permanent damage. Losing a limb is not only disabling in most cases, but it can also place considerable strain on the psyche of a patient. Those who have lost a limb in an accident are generally permanently disabled.
Serious Fractures
Bone fractures from bus accidents can be complicated and may require surgeries as well as a prolonged recovery period. Some fractures can take months to heal, and the associated costs such as lost income can be high.
Internal Injuries
Some individuals involved in a serious bus accident may experience internal bleeding and internal organ damage. These injuries are typically serious and life-threatening. Internal injuries require immediate emergency medical intervention.
Disfigurement and Scarring
Objects such as flying glass shards can cause horrific injuries to anyone in their path. Individuals in an accident can suffer from lacerations and cuts to the face as well as to the rest of their body. This can leave accident victims permanently scarred, having to undergo expensive plastic surgery to try and mitigate any disfigurement from an accident.
A Clearwater Bus Accident Lawyer Can Handle the Entirety of Your Case
Unfortunately, bus accidents can also result in fatalities, potentially leaving families not only to deal with the devastating loss of a loved one but also the financial consequences of losing the deceased’s income.
If you suffered from any debilitating injuries such as those mentioned or others, or have lost a loved one, life can feel overwhelming and emotionally as well as physically challenging. You may be faced with a mountain of unpaid bills on top of all other worries. We understand that accident victims and their families can feel discouraged and overwhelmed when suffering serious injuries and financial losses. However, remember that help may only be a call away.
Your Clearwater bus accident lawyer can take your case into their hands and see it through to the end while you are free to recover from your injuries. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today at 1-800-747-3733. Let us identify any legal options that may be open to you and find a way forward that could help you achieve the compensation you deserve.
Bus Accident Compensation
If a bus driver or negligent bus company caused your accident, injuries, and financial losses, they should make you whole again. If you take the at-fault parties to court, you could potentially recover the following types of compensation, as well as others:
- Medical costs and future medical expenses
- Lost wages, future lost income, and future earning potential
- Replacement or repair of your car
- Out-of-pocket expenses connected to the bus accident
Non-economic damages you could receive, particularly if you suffered from serious injuries, could include:
- Emotional distress
- Physical pain
- Reduction of life quality
- Loss of a limb or a sense
- Disfigurement and scarring
- Disability
While you can attempt to go it alone, having a dedicated bus accident lawyer by your side can help you with all aspects of your case, including calculating your damages adequately. Your lawyer can help you negotiate a fair settlement with the at-fault party and their insurance and help you get what you deserve.
Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine Today for a Free Case Review
You deserve to be compensated. If someone else’s negligence caused your suffering and expenses, you should not let the negligent party get away scot-free and without fighting for your due. We can take care of all the legal matters and build your case while you can concentrate on getting better and recovering from your ordeal.
Connect with a Clearwater bus accident lawyer for help. If you work with us, you have no financial risks as we do not charge any upfront attorney’s fees and only collect our fee if we win your case and recover a settlement.
Do not wait too long as there are deadlines for filing personal injury and wrongful death cases in Florida. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today to take advantage of a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team members: 1-800-747-3733.