An Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer will deal with the insurance companies for you. After your accident, your lawyer may be able to:
- Advise you on how to protect your eligibility for an insurance settlement
- Protect you from making any on-the-record statements that could harm your pursuit of compensation
- File your claim
- Speak directly with insurance companies about your claim
- Handle settlement negotiations
Your claim may be resolved through an insurance settlement, or could evolve into a lawsuit against those responsible for compensating your losses.
Insurance Companies Are Well-Versed in Accidents
Yahoo! Finance notes that auto insurers in the United States collected $285 billion in total revenues in 2019. These companies are well-versed in how to protect their interests after accidents, and may have an incentive to pay you as little as possible for your motorcycle accident-related claim. Some insurance company tactics that you could face after your accident include:
- Pressuring you to make a statement shortly after your accident, when you may be disoriented, off-guard, or otherwise unfit to make an important, on-the-record statement
- Asking you to sign forms that you are not informed about, and which may give the insurance company freedom to access certain information such as your medical records
- Refuting your account of the accident in an attempt to get you to accept liability
- Offering a settlement that is less than what you deserve, implying or stating that the payout will be available in short order
- Stalling in the hopes that you will accept their lowball offer or abandon your claim
- Disputing the necessity of medical treatments
- Dissuading you from hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer
If you hire an attorney, then your Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer will deal with the insurance companies for you so that you may protect your rights from such tactics. Your lawyer may ensure that all avenues for compensation, including an insurance settlement and lawsuit, remain open to you.
Your Lawyer Will Fight for Fair Insurance Compensation
Your lawyer’s goal in dealing with insurance companies will be to secure fair compensation for you or a loved one harmed in a motorcycle accident. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), legally required forms of insurance for motorists in Florida may cover:
- Some portion of your medical expenses
- Property damage
These are somewhat limited forms of compensation compared with what you may be entitled to collect through a lawsuit, but they may be sufficient in the case of your accident. Your lawyer may be able to collect and organize evidence of your accident and documentation of your injury, and then negotiate for fair compensation from the insurance companies. They may also coordinate with your healthcare insurance provider as necessary.
It is possible that insurance settlement negotiations may not go as you hope, or that insurance compensation is not enough to cover your losses. Your lawyer may help you initiate a lawsuit if this is the case.
Your Lawyer May Establish Liability For Your Accident
Motorists in Florida can be held liable when they fail to operate their vehicle with care. The Legal Information Institute (LII) explains the legal principle of “duty of care,” which all motorists in Florida are held to. The duty of care requires motorists to “act in the same manner as a reasonably prudent person in their position would.”
Motorists may violate their duty of care when they:
- Are drunk or under the influence of drugs
- Speed
- Make dangerous turns
- Do not obey the right-of-way
- Run stop signs or red lights
- Tailgate
- Merge into occupied lanes of traffic
- Drive while distracted
You or your loved one may be the victim of one or more forms of negligent driving. If the motorist who caused your accident was working at the time of your collision, then their employer could also be responsible for losses that you have suffered. Once your lawyer determines who is at fault for your accident, they can proceed with a lawsuit against those parties.
Your Lawyer Will See Your Lawsuit Through
A lawyer’s job is to see your lawsuit through to completion, whether the resolution is a settlement or judgement. They may perform several specific tasks to move your lawsuit towards the finish line, including:
- Gathering evidence
- Documenting your injuries
- Interviewing witnesses
- Filing your lawsuit
- Hiring experts for their testimony
- Communicating with defendants’ attorneys
- Negotiating a settlement
- Completing a trial if no settlement materializes
A lawyer will keep you updated on developments in your case, but you may focus on your recovery as an Orlando motorcycle accident lawyer handles legal matters for you.
Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine Today
We go the extra mile for our clients and will provide you or your loved one with the responsive legal care that you deserve. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today at 1-800-747-3733 for a free consultation.
You worry about getting better. We take care of everything else.