If you cannot work due to your injuries from a Jacksonville car accident, you should file a claim or lawsuit for compensation. You can file the claim with your own insurance provider or a lawsuit against the liable party. A Jacksonville car accident lawyer can help you decide which would be the best option in your case and then file on your behalf.
You deserve compensation for your injuries, including the financial harm done to you. Your compensation may help you to regain your financial footing, so the accident doesn’t continue to rule your life.
What Should I Do If I Cannot Work Indefinitely After A Jacksonville Car Accident?
If your injuries are preventing you from going to work for a long time or indefinitely, you should consider suing the liable party for damages. Generally, a lawsuit is appropriate when a person’s injuries are severe and disabling.
Filing a claim through your insurance won’t enable you to recover certain intangible damages, such as pain and suffering, nor would you be able to recover the full amount for your current and future medical treatment.
Since lawsuits are reserved for those who were severely injured by another person’s negligence. Through litigation, your attorney will pursue all of these damages plus the loss of your current and future income. You shouldn’t have to suffer long-term financial instability because someone caused your disabling injuries.
What Should I Do If I Cannot Work For A Short Time?
If your injuries prevent you from going to work for a short time, you can still consider suing, but filing an insurance claim through your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) may be sufficient to cover your losses. An attorney can help you determine which option is the best for your case.
Why Should I Contact A Lawyer After A Jacksonville Car Accident?
Regardless of how severe your injuries are, you should consider contacting a lawyer. One of our lawyers can do a great deal for you even if you just want to file a simple insurance claim. They will take on every aspect of your case, including:
- Determining what your compensable damages are: There may be some damages you don’t know you can recover, such as compensation for loss of mobility, lost income, and even mental anguish. Your lawyer will identify these damages for you.
- Establishing fair amounts for your damages: It’s difficult to give fair monetary amounts to non-monetary damages, like mental anguish. Your lawyer will do this for you, so you can recover compensation to mitigate this suffering.
- Determining liability: You may be convinced the other driver is liable for your damages. This may be true, but additional parties could share liability. For example, if the driver is an employee, the employer could also be liable. Your lawyer will seek out evidence (such as vehicle black box data or traffic camera footage) in order to identify and pursue all potential liable parties.
- Establishing liability: To hold a party to account for your damages, your lawyer will have to completely establish their liability. To do this, they will demonstrate how the responsible party owed you a duty of care, how they breached that duty, how the breach caused the accident, and how the accident resulted in your damages.
- Negotiating your settlement: Even if you want to sue the other party in your case, you and your lawyer may want to attempt to settle with your insurer. They may be willing to make a fair settlement.
- Negotiating your verdict: If your lawyer takes your case to court, they will resolve your case with a judge or jury, instead. Prior to going to court, your lawyer can hire experts, like a car accident reconstructionist, to corroborate your case.
Why Should I Contact A Lawyer Right Away After An Accident?
There are a couple of reasons to contact your lawyer right away. One is that they can represent you fairly to your insurer and prevent them from diminishing your case and making a low settlement offer. Your lawyer will know how serious your damages are and what your case is worth.
Another reason is so that your lawyer can get started on your case immediately in order to meet the deadline for a lawsuit right away. This deadline is outlined in Florida Statutes § 95.11(3)(a) but may vary based on the circumstances of your accident.
Learn More About What To Do If You Can’t Work After Jacksonville Car Accident
If you cannot work due to your injuries from a Jacksonville car accident, you should file a claim or a lawsuit. Our firm can help you decide between the two and then manage the rest of your case while you focus on your health and recovery.
Our car accident lawyers in Jacksonville, FL have a great deal of experience managing and resolving cases like yours, so you can be confident in us. To learn more about us, contact the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today for a free consultation.