When it comes to the risks associated with motor vehicle accidents, few people are as vulnerable as pedestrians. If you have suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident, you might be entitled to compensation.
Pursuing a civil lawsuit against the driver that struck you could be a difficult process on your own. With the right attorney advocating on your behalf, you could recoup your medical bills and secure the other types of compensation you deserve. Let our Pinellas Park pedestrian accident lawyer help you move your injury case forward.
Who Is Responsible for a Pedestrian Accident?
It is important to understand which person or individual is responsible for your pedestrian accident. After all, identifying these parties is the first step in holding them accountable for their negligence. In certain cases, you could have options regarding who you seek compensation from.
The primary cause of most pedestrian accidents is careless motorists. Many drivers fail to keep a watchful eye out for pedestrians and frequently collide with them. These accidents are especially common in crosswalks and at intersections. It is possible to pursue legal action against a negligent motorist.
Property Owners or Occupiers
Sometimes the condition of property near a roadway can lead to a pedestrian accident. This is especially common among construction sites. If there are dangerous hazards or debris on or around the sidewalk, it could be possible to hold the property owner or occupier accountable.
Not all pedestrian collisions involve motor vehicles. Careless cyclists also frequently cause these accidents. Cyclists are often at fault for accidents when they attempt to ride on public sidewalks. When a cyclist causes a pedestrian accident, the cyclist could face liability for any injuries that occur.
Government Entities
Some pedestrian accidents occur as the result of dangerous road conditions. Some examples include potholes, missing crosswalk signs, or dangerous road design. If road design or maintenance is responsible for an accident, you could sue the local government tasked with maintaining the roadway.
The Deadline to File a Lawsuit After a Pinellas Park Pedestrian Accident
You have a right to pursue a lawsuit after a pedestrian accident. However, that right is not open-ended. Instead, you have a set period of time following the date of your accident to file your suit. The deadline that applies to pedestrian accident injury cases is known as the statute of limitations.
In Pinellas Park, the statute of limitations is governed by Florida Statutes § 95.11(3)(a). According to the statute, you must file your lawsuit within four years of the date the pedestrian accident occurs. Filing your case after the statutory period expires could result in the dismissal of your case with prejudice.
Our firm can help ensure that you meet all of the important deadlines associated with your case, including the statute of limitations.
The Importance of Continuing Medical Treatment
If you sustained serious bodily injuries from a pedestrian accident, you must continue with your medical treatment. The injuries resulting from these accidents could be severe, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports approximately 6,000 pedestrian fatalities each year. It is not enough to visit the emergency room and assume you will be fine.
There are important reasons for you to seek follow-up care and thoroughly follow the orders of your doctor.
Continuing your medical treatment is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, your future health could largely depend on how seriously you take your current medical care. Following your doctor’s orders could result in a quicker recovery and help you avoid long-term consequences from your injuries.
Listen to Your Healthcare Provider
Following your doctor’s orders is also important for your personal injury case. If you intend to pursue compensation for your injuries, you have a duty to mitigate your damages. Mitigating damage involves taking reasonable steps to limit the severity of your injuries.
If you allow your damages to worsen needlessly, the at-fault party might not have to pay you the full amount of compensation you require.
Addressing your medical needs and following the treatment plan laid out by your doctor strengthens your injury case because it shows a jury that you are taking the injury seriously. It can be difficult for the other side to imply your injuries are not serious if you carefully follow your treatment plan for months or years after the accident.
The Cost of a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer from Our Firm
It is common to wonder about the cost of hiring a lawyer for a pedestrian accident. While the potential to recover compensation for your injuries is appealing, it is natural to wonder if the cost of legal representation is worth the effort. The Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine understand these concerns, which is why we never charge upfront legal fees to victims of pedestrian accidents.
Instead of seeking fees upfront, our firm operates on a contingency basis. This means that you will only pay us a portion of the compensation we recover on your behalf. You can pursue an injury lawsuit without the need to pay any fees up front. You also face no risk of paying attorney fees on a case that does not result in compensation for you.
The bottom line is that if you do not get paid, we do not get paid. If you have questions about how a contingency-fee agreement might work in your case, you could benefit from a free consultation with our firm.
You Could Recover a Monetary Award Following a Pedestrian Accident
Pedestrian accidents can have lasting consequences. If you suffered injuries in one of these accidents, you could face the physical, emotional, and financial effects for years to come. While a monetary settlement cannot undo the damage done to you, it could simplify your life as you address these new challenges.
You have the right to hire the legal counsel of your choice to pursue your injury claim. To learn how our pedestrian accident lawyers serving central Pinellas County could help maximize your recovery, call 1-800-747-3733 for a free consultation with the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today. Get to know us and how we serve personal injury victims by checking out our client testimonials.