A truck accident lawyer will deal with the insurance companies for you as well as all other aspects of your case. Aside from a victim’s health and safety being at risk following a truck accident, there are also many financial consequences that insurance companies will take note of.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found in 2017 that 82% of fatal crashes involving large trucks were multiple-vehicle crashes, which can result in greater damages for the entire claim. Truck accidents inhibit greater risks of carnage and even premature deaths for all parties involved. An insurance company must review all of the variables of such a complicated accident before accepting fault on their client’s behalf or accepting a settlement offer.
What You Should and Should Not Say to an Insurance Company During a Truck Accident Claim
It is crucial that you never admit to fault over a recorded telephone line with insurance companies. By doing so, you may be unable to secure full compensation that covers the value of your truck accident claim.
Insurance companies may also contact you during the settlement process. When they do so, you may be offered an insurance settlement award. However, you and your lawyer should always converse before accepting or denying a settlement offer. This is because your lawyer can help you identify a fair award that covers the total value of your damages, which are your losses and out-of-pocket expenses from the truck accident.
Stages in Working with Insurance Companies for Truck Accident Claims
Depending on the unique nature of the Florida truck accident, there could be many parties involved in the accident. With more crash victims comes a lengthier and more complicated insurance claims process. Generally, a truck accident claims process will deal with the following stages:
Reporting the Claim
To begin a truck accident claim – whether you are the at-fault party or a victim – you must call and notify your insurance provider of the accident. This will initiate the claims process for your personal insurance company. If you were able to obtain contact and insurance information from other parties involved in the accident, you may also present this information to your own provider.
Insurance Companies Make Contact with Each Other and Claimants
Once all parties involved have reported the accident to their insurance providers, the companies will begin to communicate with each other. Additionally, insurance companies may reach out to you after you have made the initial call to report the claim. Fortunately, a lawyer can handle all communications on your behalf with insurance companies after you have reported the accident.
To uncover fault, insurance companies will then investigate the truck accident. While official reports such as a police report may already label an at-fault party, insurance adjusters will still survey the accident to determine an accountable party.
Part of the investigation will include proving liability and negligence. When a defendant is liable, it means they are legally responsible to cover the damages withstood by the defendant. As explained by the American Bar Association (ABA), a defendant is liable if they acted negligently. When defendants act negligently, they fail to provide a legal duty of care to the plaintiff when someone else in the same situation would have acted with prudence.
Presenting Evidence
After both sides of the claim have investigated the truck accident, they will present their evidence against one another. Such evidence may result from you and your attorney requesting the production of documents related to injuries and the accident. This information will encompass the damages suffered by both parties. Damages such as wage losses, medical expenses, property damages, and auto repair bills may all be requested and exchanged between both parties.
Other evidence aside from a police report that may be presented includes photographs from the accident scene, injuries, and property damages. Eye-witness testimony and surveillance video may also be useful pieces of evidence.
Negotiating a Settlement
With all the evidence gathered and presented, both parties will then negotiate an insurance settlement. An insurance company may be reluctant to offer you the full value of your damages, which could lead to several offers being made. You and your lawyer can review each offer to determine if it is a fair offer before agreeing to the settlement. If an agreement is reached, you must sign a waiver that prevents you from pursuing any additional legal action against the defendant.
Call for a Free Consultation for Your Truck Accident in Florida
Your Miami truck accident lawyer will deal with the insurance companies for you. The sooner you act, the sooner we can fight to recover compensation following your truck accident.
In the event that an insurance settlement is unsuccessful, our firm will file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. Florida Statutes § 95.11(3)(a) allows claimants four years to file a personal injury lawsuit from the date of their accident, and you could lose your legal recourse rights if you file late. It takes time to build a strong case, so do not wait to take action.
Call for a free consultation with a team member from the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine to learn more about starting your truck accident case in Florida. Contact us today at 1-800-747-3733.