The car accident lawyers in Country Club, FL at the Law Offices of Anidjar& Levine can help you with your injury claim in Country Club, Florida. We can investigate your claim, collect evidence, and deal directly with the insurance company so that you do not have to.
Call us at 1-800-747-3733 to set up your case evaluation. We will talk with you and let you know if you might be eligible for compensation for your injuries. We do not charge for this valuable service. There is no obligation.
What Should You Do After a Car Accident in Florida?
Seek medical attention. The first thing you should do after leaving the scene of the accident legally and safely is to get medical care to treat your injuries. Even if you do not yet notice any harm, you should get checked out by a medical professional at your doctor’s office, urgent care center, or emergency room.
Certain injuries do not exhibit symptoms immediately, although you could be in danger from these injuries. For example, internal bleeding does not always have symptoms at first. By the time you realize what is going on, it could be too late, or you could be in critical condition.
Also, spinal injuries do not always have dramatic symptoms at first. You might think that if you have a spinal cord injury, you would not be able to move, but that is not always the case. Nonetheless, moving around when you have a spinal cord injury can make the harm more severe, causing paralysis or even death.
Another reason you should get an immediate medical evaluation is to prove that your injuries came from the car accident. If you wait several days before seeking medical help, the insurance company might deny your claim for compensation and accuse you of getting hurt from some cause other than the car accident.
Find legal help. You should talk toa lawyer as soon as possible after a car accident. You can be sure that the insurance company will not wait around to take action, and neither should you. A lawyer can protect you from the insurance company’s tactics that they might use to devalue or deny your claim.
Florida law does not require you to have a lawyer handle your car accident claim, but it can be a wise decision to do so. The insurance company will assign an insurance adjuster to investigate your claim and handle it. By handle it, we mean that they will do their level best to pay you as little money as possible to make your claim go away.
In some cases, the adjusters tell people that they do not have a right to receive compensation. This is one of the many reasons that a lawyer can be useful in a personal injury case. Adjusters tend to use fewer shady strategies when a lawyer is on the case.
One of the first things the adjuster will do is contact you and ask you to give a recorded statement. You should never give the adjuster a recorded statement without your lawyer being involved in that process.
The adjuster is not trying to do you any favors with the recorded statement. Instead, the adjuster can twist your words into something you did not mean, to try to justify paying you less money than your claim is worth.
Complete your medical treatment. You should complete the treatment that your doctor prescribes for you and do your best to achieve the maximum recuperation from your injuries. If you do not do so, the insurance company will claim that your recovery would have been better but for your actions.
For example, let’s say that your doctor ordered you to go to physical therapy three times a week for two months. The therapy was uncomfortable, and with your work schedule, it was extremely inconvenient for you to have to leave the office three days a week for eight weeks in a row. Despite the discomfort and strain on your schedule, you need to complete the physical therapy so that the insurance company does not blame you for any problems that remain from your injury.
Damages for a Car Accident in Country Club, Florida
The damages in every car accident case will be different because each person’s facts will be unique. Two people riding in the same car might have different claim values because their injuries will not be identical. For this reason, we cannot tell you the value of your claim without talking with you and investigating your car accident and medical information.
Here are some of the common types of damages that people can recover for a car accident in Country Club, Florida:
Medical expenses, for all the reasonable treatment you needed because of the car accident. These expenses can include things like the ambulance, emergency room, hospital, doctors, and physical therapy.
Lost wages, to compensate you for the time you missed from work without pay. This category can include wages, salary, self-employment, and other income.
Diminished earning capacity. If your injuries leave you unable to make as much money as you did before the wreck.
Painandsuffering, for the physical discomfort and emotional distress you experienced because of the collision.
Other intangible losses. This category can include things like disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, and your spouse’s loss of consortium claim.
How We Handle Car Accident Injury Claims
A car accident lawyer in Country Club, FL willconduct an investigation of all car accident claims we handle for wrecks that happen in Country Club, Florida. Our legal team will collect and evaluate the evidence and calculate a fair settlement to compensate you for your losses. We must act soon as there are statutes of limitations that dictate when we can make our case.
We will stand between you and the insurance companyso that they cannot harass you. We will negotiate directly with them on your behalf.
You will not have to pay us any upfront legal fees. Our compensation comes out of the settlement or judgment. Handling cases this way allows you to focus your energies on recuperating from your injuries and getting your life back on track, rather than having to worry about one more bill to worry about.
You can call the Law Offices of Anidjar& Levinetoday at 1-800-747-3733, to speak with a car accident lawyer in Country Club, FL. There is no obligation.