Tampa Construction Accident Attorneys: Protecting Workers’ Rights
Injured workers have rights, but employers, insurance companies, and other liable parties do not always honor those rights. Our firm...
Construction Accidents,Crane Accident,Insurance,Negligence,Personal Injury,Property Damage Claims,Tragic Incident,Worker's Compensation,Wrongful Death
Anidjar & Levine Stand Firm for Victims of Fort Lauderdale Crane Accident
Navigating Justice for Crane Accident The recent Fort Lauderdale crane collapse has cast a somber shadow over the community, plunging...
Were You Injured in The Fort Lauderdale Crane Collapse?
If you've been injured in the Fort Lauderdale crane collapse, it's important to understand your rights and the steps necessary...
Construction Accidents in Florida
Construction sites can be hazardous places at times, especially in Florida where construction is booming. Despite the best safety protocols...