The risk for nursing home abuse is high in Davie—and throughout the state—because of the high number of senior residents who make their homes here. If you have a loved one who lives in a residential care home or relies on a live-in caregiver, it is imperative that you protect them and their interests.
If you see any indications of a problem or suspect that abuse is occurring, contact the Law Firm of Anidjar & Levine as soon as possible.
Our compassionate, dedicated Davie personal injury lawyers can help you ensure the safety of your loved one. We can explain your legal rights and help you pursue compensation for the harm your family member has suffered. Contact us today to schedule a free case analysis with a nursing home abuse lawyer in Davie.
How can I identify the signs of nursing home abuse?
Nursing home abuse can happen in many different ways. During the course of our practice, we have seen it take the form of neglect, physical abuse, mental or emotional harm, sexual abuse, and financial exploitation.
If you notice any of these signs or symptoms in your loved one, it may indicate the need further investigation into their health and mental well-being. Note any evidence you can and contact us immediately for help.
Signs of Nursing Home Neglect
- Dirty clothing
- Dirty bedding
- An unbathed or unclean appearance
- Dehydration
- Malnutrition
- Missing medications
Signs of Physical Abuse
- Bedsores
- Falls
- Cuts, abrasions, and bruises
- Bone fractures
- Head Injuries
- Dislocations
- Infections
- Medication errors
- Scalds or burns
Signs of Mental or Emotional Abuse
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Emotional withdrawal
- Inhibited speech
- Fearfulness
- Asking visitors not to leave
Signs of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse
- Pelvic pain
- Unexplained bruising, especially on the thighs, buttocks, or genital area
- Trouble walking
- Social withdrawal
- Panic or fearfulness
- Agitation
- Unwillingness to sit down
- Recurring UTIs
- STDs
Signs of Financial Exploitation
- Unexplained credit card use
- Unexplained bank account activity or withdrawals
- Identity theft
- Billing for services not rendered
- New credit accounts
What are my legal rights regarding nursing home neglect or abuse?
Every person living in a residential care facility or using the services of an in-home caregiver has certain legal rights established in a 1987 federal law. Primary among these rights is the right to a safe environment and a reasonable standard of care. This law also mandates that each resident has the right to file a grievance if they believe their treatment has been subpar.
State statutes also regulate the level of care in nursing homes and the rights of the residents living there. By law, your loved one has the right to expect adequate care from nursing home staff and administration.
If your family member has suffered due to the negligence of caretakers, you have a legal right to seek compensation for damages. These damages can include monetary losses, like medical expenses, as well as emotional damages, like trauma or pain and suffering.
Our attorneys can help you file this claim for compensation with the facility’s insurance company. If they are unwilling to negotiate a settlement offer, we can take your case to court. We will do everything we can to make sure your loved one gets the compensation they deserve.
Although a financial settlement could never make up for the pain and suffering your loved one has experienced, it will provide for their future safety and security as well as any necessary medical or psychological care they may need. Holding the responsible party accountable for their actions can also help prevent them from abusing or harming anyone else in the future.
Should I report suspected nursing home abuse?
If you suspect that your loved one has suffered abuse of any kind—even if you lack specific proof—contact 911 immediately. Local law enforcement can investigate the facility for evidence of a crime. They can also remove your loved one from the facility and ensure they receive any emergency medical care they need to treat their injuries.
You can also notify the Florida Department of Elder Affairs if you suspect there is a problem with any care home or residential facility for seniors. You can make your report by phone at 800-962-2873 or you can file a report through the agency’s web form.
This is a difficult, stressful time, but we can help. Our attorneys can guide you in this process and help investigate your suspicions. We can advise you on your next steps after reporting the abuse and can help you understand how to document any evidence you can.
Before you bring your concerns to any administrator or manager at the nursing home, speak to one of our lawyers. If the nursing home administrative staff is complicit in the abuse, you may jeopardize your legal claim by speaking with them.
Likewise, do not speak or give a statement to the facility’s insurance company, especially if they attempt to make a settlement offer. Often times, insurance companies will offer a low settlement early in the claims process to avoid drawing extra attention to the circumstances of the abuse. Our lawyers can help you avoid accepting these early payouts.
The nursing home abuse lawyers at the Law Firm of Anidjar & Levine can help you with your claim.
Because nursing home abuse is a complex scenario that potentially involves both criminal and civil violations, it is imperative that you contact the Law Firm of Anidjar & Levine as soon as possible. We can apply our skills and legal expertise to your case and offer guidance on your next steps.
It is important to act quickly, however. Florida statutes limit the time you have to make a claim for damages. From the time you discover the abuse, you may have as little as two years to file your claim for compensation.
We will help determine who is responsible for your loved one’s abuse, which will impact how and where we file your claim. The responsible party may involve the nursing home staff and administrators, doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, or some combination of these individuals.
We understand the urgency of your situation and we are standing by to assist you and your loved one. We provide complimentary case reviews so you can better understand your legal rights and your options for seeking relief. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.